
Tour - Voyage ATAMI ART GRANT 2023" will be held at various locations in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture.
There are five areas including two main venues. For information on how to visit, please see the "Guide to ATAMI ART GRANT 2023" below.
Guide to ATAMI ART GRANT 2023
  • Step 1
    〈Purchase Tickets〉
    ・Please click here to purchase tickets.
    ※Tickets can be purchased at the Information Desk, but online purchase is recommended to ensure smooth participation.
  • Step 2
    〈Atami Station→Towards Atami Station Information〉
    ・When you arrive at Atami Station, we recommend that you go to the Atami Station Information Center.
    ・Please exchange your advance ticket for a Passport to the Artworks ticket at the Information Desk and pick up an official guide.
    Atami Station Information Desk
    Room 104, Atami No.2 Building
    Address: 2-9 Kasuga-cho, Atami City
    Hours: 11:00-18:00 (closed at 17:00)
    Closed: Monday, Tuesday
    Parking: None
  • Step 3
    〈Tour the exhibition by area〉
    Please enjoy the exhibited works in each of the following areas.
    Please check " Venue" for the exhibition venue.
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