Akira Kamo
Sprouting Paintings #1
Sprouting Paintings are paintings in which the artist decomposes his own feces in a compost toilet and turns the compost into pigment for paint, and then mixes with linseed oil and glue which is what makes the painting sprout. In this era of “Anthropocene,” this piece is an attempt to see if it is possible to place the traces of humans (including paintings) back into the cycle of nature, with the goal of actually eating the plants that sprout.
“Painter. Kamo born in Tokyo in 1982 and graduated from Graduate school of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts in 2010 majoring in painting.
After Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011, Kamo began to see “”paintings”” and “”survival”” as if they are synonymous and has traveled to various places, going face to face with local people and events, and history. His works are the result of his attempt of interweaving mental images and events in order to make paintings that relatively evoke “”self”” and ‘society.’ “