Arisa Ihashi


Trip series to Shizuoka


“Trip series”are my travel experiences to various places through my own perspective. When we leave our everyday life to go travel, we unconsciously absorb a lot of things as we encounter and discover the unknown. Those things span across scents, scenes, life and cultures that are unique to the region and the information and knowledge that we accumulate without even realizing it can sometimes create an amazing world.

In this work, I used only materials that can be found in Shizuoka Prefecture, so I invite you to explore Shizuoka to see what is included in the work.


Visual print artist Ihashi studied fashion and textile design at the University of the Arts London and returned to Japan in 2017. Since returning to Japan, she has been creating works using a wide variety of techniques including textiles, prints and graphic design, based arond her theme of “”creating fiction out of reality.””
Ihashi participated in many art projects such as the Noseden Art Line 2021 and the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022.

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