


This is the “Portrait” series, created using BYNAM’s painting technique known as Filter Painting. The depicted subjects are simplified through the use of filters, portraying them in a manner that allows for common recognition.


BYNAM is a Korean artist born in Japan. He creates portraits and paintings that look like they have undergone a polygonal mosaic-like filter. He presents a world where sometimes one can only see if they step back, and connects that with the distance between the viewer and his works. Paints all sorts of portrait from, pop icon, influencers to their followers.

の ミチシルベ 熱海駅前インフォメーションブース 熱海で出会う、アートの旅 参加アーティスト 会場 会期 開場時間 とは 協賛 協力 後援 : : 作品解説 プロフィール 全体 メイン サテライト 作家数 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890