Byproducts Market : Yoshitaka Yazu, Tsuyoshi Yamada
Decadent Landscape / Atami research project
The duo of Byproducts Market have a tendency to get attracted to forgotten places and things in a state of disrepair. This longing for “apocalyptic landscapes” is shared by the two artists and flows deep in the root of their works. Decadent landscapes reflect in its shadows and lights of the lives and livelihood that was once there, wrapped around by history and the flow of time. For this exhibition in Atami, Byproducts Market have put together a map of decadent landscapes in Atami and the maps will be sold at a Byproducts vending machine. Byproducts Market invite you to use the map to tour Atami.
This project is a material recycling project collects and sells waste materials from artists’ ateliers. We refer to the waste produced in the process of creating artworks as a “”by-product””.They are destined to be thrown away in the corner of the atelier. We would like to create a new opportunity to think about the value and potential of things by focusing on “by-products” of the artists.Major exhibitions are
MIND TRAIL 2023 OKUYAMATO kokorononakanobijyutukan(NARA, Japan)and YAMBARU ART FESTIVAL 2019-2020 (Okinawa, Japan) and Kameoka Kiri Art Cultivation (Kyoto, Japan). Based in Kyoto.