Hana Yamamoto


Wall Tracing


Walking along the mountainside, I frequently encountered water pipes installed so that they are attached to walls. Instead of being hidden along the road, they are installed roughly parallel or at right angles to the concrete-paved man-made walls, passerby sees the water pipes right in front of them. While looking from Atami, both the sea and mountains are seen at a distance because of the difference in elevation, the pipes which trace the shape of concrete across the slopes are close at hand and spread out right in front of the eyes.


Artist, born in Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan in 1999. After living in New York in 2019, Yamamoto went on to graduate from the Department of Information Design at Tama Art University’s Media Arts Course in 2022. She works across different media on the effects of ideas and intepretations in society. From customs that are universal to completely new experiences, her works attempts to give new forms to things, phenomena, and discourses that dazzle her.

の ミチシルベ 熱海駅前インフォメーションブース 熱海で出会う、アートの旅 参加アーティスト 会場 会期 開場時間 とは 協賛 協力 後援 : : 作品解説 プロフィール 全体 メイン サテライト 作家数 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890