Kentaro Shimoyama


City Lights


“City Lights” was created by deconstructing and reconstructing the motifs of streetlights, the moon, windows, rooms, and room lights that had previously been depicted in other paintings. Against the backdrop of the sky and the moon, the circular streetlights and the images depicted in the paintings hang in the air as if shifting sideways and all connected.


Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1990, Shimoyama is a graduate of Tokyo Zokei University’s Graduate School of Fine Arts in 2016.
Since 2018, he has been running an independent publishing house, Hammer Publishing.
Major exhibitions include “”Table of Utopia”” (The 5th Floor, 2022), “”Table of Contents”” (LOOP HOLE, 2022), and “”The Whole World Is My Warehouse”” (GASBON METABOLISM, 2022).

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