Saeka Enokura
"You taken by you" in ATAMI
With the spread of social media, selfies have become a way to express yourself. Numerous apps have also helped selfies evolve. It is easier than ever to edit a selfie as if what is there is not there, or as if what is not there is there, and that numb our senses and puts people into stereotypes. This work is perhaps my unwillingness to surrender to those values.
A graduate from Tama Art University, Tokyo based artist Enokura photographs her family, close friends, and artists, and paints them in oil paint as portraits. In recent years, Enokura has been participating in a residency at a local café under the theme, “You taken by you.” During her residency, she asked people she doesn’t usually interact with in her everyday life to take self-portraits of themselves and she made oil paintings of them.