Shoei Matsuda




The phenomenon of ‘powerspots’ gained massive popularity in the 2000s, and it remains popular today, with people participating in ‘powerspot pilgrimages’ and similar activities. Inspired by this unique Japanese concept, Shohei Matsuda has presented it as an illuminative artwork within the natural surroundings of ACAO FOREST.

The hashtag not only provides textual information but also serves as a hyperlink that connects people. In today’s world, where powerspots scattered all over the country are shared on social media, it reflects a ‘new era of spirituality’ that combines nature and technology.


Born 1986, active on social media since 2010, Matsuda garnered a lot of attention for his events, instructions, and performances where he works with people through online personalities, with anonymity and collective knowledge as their overarching theme. In 2020, he began working under his own name, using a wide range of media including installation, sculpture, print, and video to promote his conceptual and poetic practice for post-network diffusion celebrity, economy, and landscape.

の ミチシルベ 熱海駅前インフォメーションブース 熱海で出会う、アートの旅 参加アーティスト 会場 会期 開場時間 とは 協賛 協力 後援 : : 作品解説 プロフィール 全体 メイン サテライト 作家数 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890