Takeshi Nakamura


The Retroactive Space


I am a painter, not a sculptor. I want to draw a picture freely in all directions in the air. The painter is always conscious of the screen of the painting and cuts it out with a framework to recognize the space. Abstract painting uses lines to cut the screen. As such, I understand how painting works. Rather than seeing an object as three-dimensional, it is transformed in the brain as two-dimensional.


I was born and raised in Hokkaido. Hokkaido is a frontier of Japanese culture. I realized that I had few chances to come into contact with tradition. I felt culture shock in temples and the like, as if it were a different culture. Born in Japan, I create to aim for “cultural reconstruction” that has been lost from within myself. I studied oil painting at an art university in Tokyo. I create three-dimensional works by examining the relationship between Japanese architecture and painting.

の ミチシルベ 熱海駅前インフォメーションブース 熱海で出会う、アートの旅 参加アーティスト 会場 会期 開場時間 とは 協賛 協力 後援 : : 作品解説 プロフィール 全体 メイン サテライト 作家数 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890