Takuji Yasumura


Flat Hills


Like how a flat chess board has all sorts of ups and downs. Each time a piece is moved, a “hill” appears. Even if it seems little has changed at a glance, each move forms a new landscape like hills and valleys. Imagine a landscape where every time another hill appears, and there is the playground studded with those hills.


Born in Hiroshima in 1995. Yasumura creates “toy-like art” that can be touched and played with. By combining familiar objects and events like a puzzle, a form is born. It is a kind of play that anyone can do, like playing with crafts or building a crow’s nest––and Yasumura presents the method of this play through his works. A graduate from Akita Public University of Fine Arts and Music, Graduate School of Complex Arts. Recent exhibitions include the solo exhibition “To Come and Go/To Sit or to Stand” (Kamoe Art Center, Hamamatsu, 2022).

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