Takuro Tamayama


Models (Pair, 6 sets, 12 rings)


Commissioned by Daimaru Matsuzakaya
Production seventh-code Inc. Artifact

Models (Pair, 6 sets, 12 rings) are made of multiple intersecting rings. The shape and arrangement of the objects are organized with 6 degrees apart like a clock. Although the flow of time is suspended, the interior of the object flickers in response to the sound around it, such as the music in the background and the footsteps of a passerby. This work reflects multiple conflicting static movements and is constantly changing.


Tokyo based artist Tamayama was born in Gifu in 1990. After studying at Aichi University of the Arts, he earned his M.A. at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2015. He creates installations that combine vivid lighting, video and sound with ideas inspired by furniture, everyday objects and interior spaces referencing images that are familiar to the viewer. By boldly inserting his work into the location where it is shown, he shakes the viewer’s physical senses and perceptions.

の ミチシルベ 熱海駅前インフォメーションブース 熱海で出会う、アートの旅 参加アーティスト 会場 会期 開場時間 とは 協賛 協力 後援 : : 作品解説 プロフィール 全体 メイン サテライト 作家数 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890