Madoka Kohno


cyberNamunamu -ATAMI-


Atami, a complex and expressive city abundant with hot springs, is influenced by Mount Hakone and the Izu Peninsula. “cyberNamunamu” has previously focused on the fusion of Buddhist art and technological art. For this project, we will utilize Shizuoka prefecture’s 3D city data, “VIRTUAL SHIZUOKA,” to explore new forms of expression in Atami—a place where nature and history breathe life into the surroundings. Immerse yourself in this innovative art that interweaves data and Buddhist art, creating a unique and captivating experience.


Born in Hiroshima in 1984. I was diagnosed with ADHD and struggled with depression and manic states. In 2018, I came across “Techno Dharma” on YouTube and was drawn into its vision. Listening to it everyday I feel relieved and started thinking about sharing this blessing with others. It was then I founded “Cyber Namunamu,” a fusion of Buddhist art and technology art, using AR, VR, AI and other technologies to work with many creators and bring inspiration to people through their work.